
Chuck Cantieny's 1/3 Scale Genesis Clock

Dear Readers, here is a video of an amazing Genesis build that I think will entice your imagination. How small can a clock be before it becomes a watch?  Chuck has pushed that question to the limit. Take a look, and prepare to be amazed.

Hi Dr. Boyer,

I had ordered you plans for the Genesis clock almost a year ago.  I finally got around to building it.  I thought it worked out very well.  I have attached a video that shows the results of the build.  I think it is a "little" different than most of the versions I have seen.  I will also include a couple of higher resolution photos.  I am going to try to post the video to You Tube,  that will be a first for me.

Chuck's YouTube Video of  his "Micro" Genesis

Just so you know - I don't buy a lot plans.  I am a long time cad guy and currently a cad instructor so I create most of my own plans.  I find your designs amazing.  Thank you for sharing with us.


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