
Radiance by Tim Wilson

Tim Wilson emails:  "Hi Clayton,
Here are the pictures and YouTube video of the Radiance.   What an enjoyable build!

Even though the adjustment factors are critical, it is worth the effort after it comes to life.  I commend your brilliance in designing this clock, and thanks again for the plans.   I did some things a little different in designing the weight and pendulum, and had a idea for the C.W. lever that I saw from a picture from your Flickr Pool at your site.

Kinda a frame motif...hope I did it justice.
 Again, your plans are great and accurate. Off to the Solaris and Marble Strike in the near future.
Have a Wonderful and Blessed day.  Tim Wilson"

Clayton answers: "Aloha Tim, that's just totally great! You caught me so off guard with your creative choice of pendulum weights that I actually laughed out loud! Brilliant!
This is exactly why I love seeing pictures. Of course I always enjoy seeing my designs reproduced exactly the way I designed them, BUT I also LOVE seeing the creativity that other woodworkers put into their mechanisms to personalize them and make the completely unique.
This is a beautiful and creative Radiance. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job on your Radiance and you are right...she is a bugger to get adjusted correctly, but such a wonder to watch when she's running.
Congratulations on yet another successful and creative build.
Aloha. Clayton"

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