
Weird Gears by Steve Johnson

"Hello Clayton,

I have attached a video of one of the projects I made.  I made some of the Nautilus gears and have no problem rotating them either way.

Take care,
Steve Johnson"

Clayton emails:  "Woo! Hoo! Isn't that a fun one!?!?

Thanks for the video. It's always so much fun to see the creativity of other woodworkers, and these Weird Gears really give the artist a huge spectrum in which to demonstrate that creativity - as you have done here.
Is that a 5 rpm motor you have driving your sculpture? Or did you adapt some other kitchen or shop gadget to drive it? I've been thinking about using an old electric can opener to drive some sculptures. They are slow enough to get a good feeling for the movement within the sculpture.
Yours is GREAT! Thanks so much for sharing that. It's always such a joy to see a new mechanism brought into being.

Aloha. Clayton"

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